GHOST BOX RECORDS                       59 Hare Lane
*****************                       Gogalming , Surrey
                                        GU7  3EF
                                        U K


Found   : Jim Jupp & Julian House
Distr.  : UK - Boomkat/Bleep/Norman/
Style   : indie / synth pop / concrete music / ambient / experimental /
          downtempo / library / early electronic / concrete music / leftfield

GBX     01      BELBURY POLY            FARMER'S ANGLE                  mCDR      .2004
                Farmer's Angle / Wildsport / The Eleventh House / Cool
GBX     02      THE FOCUS GROUP         SKETCHES AND SPELLS             CDR       .2004
                                                                        LP      02.2011

Stringed Winds / Verberations / Open The Gate / Activity And Scales / Corn Holes /
Verberations Exp. / Bells Hazes / Alsh / Hocusing Fee / Colouring Toys / Danse & Atoms
/ Free Psych & Mirrors / Verberation Int. / Jout Dections / Geometree Hou / Sun Groof /
Diagonalam / Underwater Pries / Jass Tarp / Hocusing Loe / What Are You Seeing? /
Bromiding Place / Kasratu / Swirling Paths / Starry Wisdom
GBX     03      BELPURY POLY            THE WILLOWS                     CD        .2004
                                                                        LP      02.2011

Wildspot / The Willows / Caermaen / A Thin Place / Farmers Angle / Insect Prospectus /
A Warning / Monstroom / Thorn / The Absolute Elsewhere / Far Off Things
GBX     04      ERIC ZANN               OUROBORINDRA                    CDR     04.2005

It Is Narrow Here / Treshold / Ouroborindra / Dols / The Obsidian Pyramid / Voolas /
The Human Chord
GBX     05      THE FOCUS GROUP         HEY LET LOOSE YOUR LOVE         mCD       .2005

Icicle Wheel / You Do Not See Me / Cockbell / Echo Release / Xylophone Signal / Modern
Harp / Inside The Rubber Box / Lifting Away / Today's Rhythm People / Hey Let Loose
Your Love / String Sine Romance / The Moon Ladder / Planning For Urban Green / The Thre
/ Jam-Jar Carnival / Baroque Face / The Leaving / Reflected Message
GBX     06      THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     MIND HOW YOU GO                 mCD     10.2005

Logo / Mind How You Go / Everyday Science (For Ron Geesin) / And The Cuckoo Comes /
Osprey / Nuclear Substation / Get In The Swim / Nuclear Substation PIF
GBX     07      BELBURY POLY            THE OWL'S MAP                   CD      09.2006
GBX     07      BELBURY POLY            THE OWL'S MAP                   LP+DLc  07.2017

Owls And Flowers / Rattler's Hey / The Moonlawn / Music , Movement & Meaning / Wetland
/ Tangled Beams / The People / The New Mobility / Pan's Garden / Lord Belbury's Folly
/ Scarlet Ceremony / Your Way Today

Belbury Poly is Jim Jupp, co-founder of the Ghost Box label with Julian House and a
notorious lover of analog electronics circa 60s/70s such as the Radiophonic Workshop
or Raymond Scott.
GBX     08      THE FOCUS GROUP         WE ARE ALL PAN'S PEOPLE         CD      03.2007

Dancing Horse (Logotone) / Look Hear Now ! / The New Activite / Salty Sun Tales /
Elmford (Logotone) / Falling Leaf Beat / Backyard Rituals And Spare Times / Willowwedge
(Logotone) / Albion Festival Report / Oakston Associated (Logotone) / Wake Up!He's Here
/ The Bohn Site / Hob's Rumble / The Harmony Programme / Pan Calling /Through The Green
Lens / Sinmistralle (Logotone) / Hang Along! /_____________________________(Logotone) /
Soho > St.Ives > Tangier / The Other Birds / We Are All Pan's People / Shining Stone
(Logotone) / The Green Station Haunt / Leaving Through
GBX     09      MOUNT VERNON ARTS LAB : THE SEANCE AT HOBS LANE         CD        .2007
GBX     09      MOUNT VERNON ARTS LAB : THE SEANCE AT HOBS LANE         LP      06.2015

The Fog Detonator / Hobgoblins / The Mandrake Club / Dashwood's Reverie /The Black Drop
/ Sir keith At Lambeth / The Submariner's Song / The Vauxhall Labyrinth / While London
Sleeps / Warminster 4 / Percy Toplis
GBX     10      THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     OTHER CHANNELS                  CD      03.2008
GBX     10      THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     OTHER CHANNELS                  LP      06.2015

Callsign "A"-The TV Trap / Civil Defence Is Common Sense / Mogadon Coffee Morning /
Sundial / Swinscoe Episode 1 - Enter Swinscoe / Celebrate Michaelmas NOW! / Fire,Damp
& Air / Frozen Ponds PIF / Erosion Of TIme / A Clear Yarn Warning / Keep Warm , Keep
Well / Eyes Which Are Swelling / Hocusing For Beginners / The Coastguard / Swinscoe
Episode 2 - Release The Birds / Farmland , Freeland / Everyday Electronics / The Old
Schoolhouse / Callsign "B" - Freeland Logotone
GBX     11      BELBURY POLY : FROM AN ANCIENT STAR                     CD      01.2009

Belbury Poly Logotone / The Hidden Door / From An Ancient Star / A Year And A Day / The
All At Once Club / Time Scale / Adventures In A Miniature Landscape / Widdershins /
A Great Day Out / Clockwork Horoscope / Remember Tomorrow / Model Country / Seed Ships
GBX     012     ROJ : THE TRANSACTIONAL DHARMA OF ROJ                   CD      10.2009

Meditation On Nothingness / Yellow Peel / Your Turn / Transcommunication / Morning
Break / Bongo Workout / The Progress Revealed / Clear Channels / A Beginning Word /
Sighting In Corridor 12 / Go Without Me / Mountain Tone / They Are In The Room With Us
Right Now / Inhale.Exhale.Love ! / Intermission Exercise / Attaining The Third State /
Brain Sync / The Gamelan Treshold / Trance And Bilocation / Modified Apparatus Test /
Now You're Chanelling The Real Thing / Rejoice! He Is Here / Attainment Of The Final
Key / What I Saw

        A.      THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     Mind How You Go Now
                                        Everyday Science (For Ron Geesin)
                                        And The Cuckoo Comes
                                        Nuclear Substation
        B.                              Seasons
                                        Get In The Swim
                                        Nuclear Substation (Public Info folm)
                                        Mind How You Go
                SEELAND                 Osprey's Odyssey
                BELBURY POLY            And The Cuckoo Comes To Belbury
GBX     014     BELBURY POLY            FARMER'S ANGLE                  10".CD  09.2010

        A.      Farmer's Angle / Wild Spot / The Eleven House
        B.      Warm Air / Your Stories / Hither And Yon
GBX     015     THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     AS THE CROW FLIES               LP.CD   07.2011

Logotone 1 - Decisions / Now Ends The Beginning / Here!In The Wychwoods / The Patchwork
Explains / Everyday Hazards / Ceridwen / As The Crow Flies / Innocence Elsewhere /
Logotone 2 - The New Traffic Signs //// Modern Through Movement /Learning Owl Reappears
/ Further Starry Wisdom / We Cleanse This Space / Beyond The Wychelm / Logotone 3-Eyes
Inside You / Route Along 18 Comes / Wheel Of The Year

CD +    Unforgotten Path / Lonely Signalman
GBX     016     BELBURY POLY            THE BELBURY TALES               LP      02.2012

Belbury Poly Logotone B / Cantalus / Green Grass Grows / The Geography / A Pilgrim's
Path / Now Then / Chapel Perilous //// Unheimlich / My hands / Goat Foot / Unforgotten
Town / Earth Lights / Summer Round
GBX     017 LP  PYE CORNER AUDIO        SLEEP GAMES                     LP      10.2012
GBX     017 CD  PYE CORNER AUDIO        SLEEP GAMES                     CD      10.2012

LP      A1      Sleep Games
        A2      The Black Mill Video Tape
        A3      Print Through
        A4      Deep End
        A5      Into the Maze
        A6      Experimental Road Surface
        A7      Yesterday's Entertainment
        B1      The Mirror Ball Cracked
        B2      Palais Spectres
        B3      Remanence
        B4      A Door in the Dry Ice
        B5      A Non-Place
        B6      Underneath the Dancefloor
        B7      Nostalgia Pills

CD      1       Sleep Games                                     5:06
        2       The Black Mill Video Tape                       5:09
        3       Print Through                                   0:54
        4       Deep End                                        4:13
        5       Into the Maze                                   4:33
        6       Experimental Road Surface                       1:32
        7       Yesterday's Entertainment                       2:14
        8       The Mirror Ball Cracked                         4:48
        9       Palais Spectres                                 4:07
        10      Remanence                                       2:37
        11      A Door in the Dry Ice                           5:43
        12      A Non-Place                                     1:38
        13      Underneath the Dancefloor                       3:40
        14      Nostalgia Pills                                 2:02
        15      Chlorine                                        2:16
        16      Nature Reclaims the Town                        1:26
GBX     018     THE FOCUS GROUP         THE ELEKTRIK KAROUSEL           LP.CD   05.2013
                                                                        DL      05.2013

Make Way / The Elektrik Karousell / Petroleum Paisley / Tigt Gruffil / The Fluorescent
Host / Skipping Spook / Kinky Korner Klub / The Kool Kranium / Bachoo / Hydroradiol /
The Heavy Blessing / Chordfl / Hope Hodgsone / Poppingart / Let Them Go / The Magic
Pendulum / Flaming Voices / The Church Bellows / Oakston New Scene / Wax Phantoms /
Frumious Numinous / The Plastic Castle / Let's Listen / Oh Want Away / Harmonium /
SPOLK / Hoojumany / A New Mystery / More Night Films
GBX     019     JOHN FOXX & THE BELBURY CIRCLE : EMPTY AVENUES          10"+DLc 09.2013
GBX     019     JOHN FOXX & THE BELBURY CIRCLE : EMPTY AVENUES          CD      09.2013

                Empty Avenue
                Almost There
                The Right Path
GBX     020 LP  THE SOUNDCARRIERS       ENTROPICALIA                    LP+DLc  05.2015
GBX     020 CD  THE SOUNDCARRIERS       ENTROPICALIA                    CD      05.2015
GBX     020 D   THE SOUNDCARRIERS       ENTROPICALIA                    DL      05.2015

        1       Low Light                                       3:52
        2       The Outsider                                    4:02
        3       Entropicalia                                    4:01
        4       Signal Blue                                     4:39
        5       Boiling Point                                   4:16
        6       So Beguiled                                     3:41
        7       Somewhere to Land                               3:41
        8       Lose the Feel                                   3:41
        9       This Is Normal                                  12:21
        10      Eff.r                                           4:03
GBX     021     THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     FROM OUT HERE                   LP+DLc  12.2014
GBX     021     THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     FROM OUT HERE                   CD      12.2014
GBX     021     THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     FROM OUT HERE                   DL      12.2014

        1       Triadex Logotone                                0:20
        2       Escape Lane                                     4:02
        3       Upon Oakston                                    4:54
        4       From Out Here                                   1:07
        5       Vibrations and Waves                            4:02
        6       Triadex Two Five Nine                           1:47
        7       Experiment!                                     3:55
        8       All Alone In a Green and Pleasant Land          1:00
        9       Causeway Ballet                                 5:26
        10      Dexter Logotone                                 0:09
        11      The Blue Energy Programme                       5:43
        12      Mr Foyster                                      1:15
        13      Discipline Before Data                          3:51
        14      Mr Foyster Creates a Beach                      0:41
        15      Jessica Finds the Beach                         3:07
        16      Winter Hours                                    4:29
        17      Crag Hey                                        0:40
        18      Sine Seeing                                     2:18
        19      Verberatim                                      0:58
        20      Cobol Landing                                   3:19
        21      The Walk Home                                   1:50

(Note : LP/180g Vinyl, Download code redeemable from the label, Artwork by Julian House
        based on the original concepts for the music
        CD versions include three bonus tracks, Artwork by Julian House based on the
        orig. concepts for the music.
GBX     022 LP  V / A : IN A MOMENT...GHOST BOX                         2LP+DLc 10.2015
GBX     022 CD  V / A : IN A MOMENT...GHOST BOX                         2CD     10.2015

Part 1  1       Dancing Horse (Logotone) : The Focus Group
        2       Escape Lane             The Advisory Circle
        3       Farmer’s Angle          Belbury Poly
        4       Hey Let Loose Your Love : The Focus Group
        5       Attaining The Third State : Roj
        6       Almost There            John Foxx And The Belbury Circle
        7       Deep End                Pye Corner Audio
        8       Callsign ‘A’: The TV Trap : The Advisory Circle
        9       Nuclear Substation      The Advisory Circle
        10      Owls And Flowers        Belbury Poly
        11      Frumious Numinous       The Focus Group
        12      Boiling Point           The Soundcarriers
        13      Mind How You Go Now     The Advisory Circle
        14      Cantalus                Belbury Poly
        15      You Do Not See Me       The Focus Group

Part 2  1       Belbury Poly Logotone   Belbury Poly
        2       The Mirror Ball Cracked : Pye Corner Audio
        3       Bromiding Place         The Focus Group
        4       The Hidden Door         Belbury Poly
        5       The Black Drop          Mount Vernon Arts Lab
        6       Poppingart              The Focus Group
        7       Wheel Of The Year       The Advisory Circle
        8       Shining Stone (Logotone) : The Focus Group
        9       The Willows             Belbury Poly
        10      Sundial                 The Advisory Circle
        11      Bongo Workout           Roj
        12      The Apple Tree          Hintermass
        13      The Geography           Belbury Poly
        14      The Leaving             The Focus Group
        15      Winter Hours            The Advisory Circle
        16      Leaving Through         The Focus Group
GBX     023 LP  HINTERMASS              THE APPLE TREE                  LP+DLc  04.2016
GBX     023 CD  HINTERMASS              THE APPLE TREE                  CD      04.2016

        1       Apple Tree                                      4:42
        2       The Rituals of Reversal                         6:07
        3       From Leaving in Meaning                         5:13
        4       Rain for a While                                1:47
        5       While Away                                      4:16
        6       Apple Tree Reprise                              1:45
        7       Patterns Somewhere                              4:36
        8       Electric Hintermass (Sound Apart)               5:02
        9       Weicher                                         5:44
        10      Electric Element                                1:37
        11      Uncertain                                       3:49
        12      Luftglider                                      4:34
GBX     024 LP  BELBURY POLY            NEW WAYS OUT                    LP+DLc  06.2016
GBX     024 CD  BELBURY POLY            NEW WAYS OUT                    CD      06.2016

        1       These Ringing Hills                             4:12
        2       Starhazy                                        4:36
        3       The Elsewhere Shuffle                           4:39
        4       The New Harmony                                 8:50
        5       Hey Now Here He Comes                           3:42
        6       The Green Scene                                 3:39
        7       Water Wheel                                     3:57
        8       Downstream                                      4:14
        9       Old Ways In                                     5:53
        10      All in Good Time                                3:56
        11      Playground Gateway                              1:58
GBX     025 LP  PYE CORNER AUDIO        STASIS                          LP+DLc  08.2016
GBX     025 CD  PYE CORNER AUDIO        STASIS                          CD      08.2016

        1.      Approach                                        02:20
        2.      Lost Ways                                       05:21
        3.      Autonomization                                  04:28
        4.      Sleep Chamber                                   02:28
        5.      Ganzfeld Effect                                 05:05
        6.      A Chance?                                       02:44
        7.      Electric Eye                                    03:03
        8.      At the Heart of Stasis                          04:38
        9.      Vorsicht                                        04:44
        10.     Ways Regained                                   02:39
        11.     Pulse Threshold                                 04:15
        12.     Mountain View                                   04:01

Packaging designed by Julian House, includes MP3 version of the album.
GBX     026 LP  THE PATTERN FORMS       PEEL AWAY THE IVY               LP      10.2016
GBX     026 CD  THE PATTERN FORMS       PEEL AWAY THE IVY               CD      10.2016

The Pattern Forms is a collaborative project between Ed Macfarlane and Edd Gibson of
Friendly Fires and Jon Brooks of The Advisory Circle.
GBX     027 LP  TOI TOI TOI             I'M HAG                         LP+DLc  05.2017

        1.      Alte Weise                                      01:41
        2.      A Travel Agent's Dream                          03:06
        3.      Outside In                                      00:39
        4.      Der Duft der Wälder                             02:59
        5.      Mond in den Ästen                               01:32
        6.      Cumulus Culture Centre                          02:13
        7.      Gummi-Marsch                                    04:46
        8.      Leaving Backwards                               02:57
        9.      Im Schatten großer Bäume                        00:45
        10.     Kilon                                           02:11
        11.     Tanz um den Kopf                                04:22
        12.     Talkoller                                       01:16
        13.     The So-So Kids                                  01:51
        14.     Terminal to Nothingness                         02:47
        15.     Lichtfest                                       02:47
        16.     Bei der Hagschen                                00:49
        17.     Perpetuum Mobile                                02:52
        18.     Another Kind of Reasoning                       05:15
        19.     Der gespiegelte Bruder                          03:25
GBX     028 LP  TOITOITOI               I'M HAG                         LP      06.2017
GBX     028 CD  TOITOITOI               I'M HAG                         CD      06.2017

        1       Alte Weise
        2       A Travel Agent's Dream
        3       Outside In
        4       Der Duft Der Wälder
        5       Mond In Den Ästen
        6       Cumulus Culture Centre
        7       Gummi-Marsch
        8       Leaving Backwards
        9       Im Schatten Großer Bäume
        10      Kilon
        11      Tanz Um Den Kopf
        12      Talkoller
        13      The So-So Kids
        14      Terminal To Nothingness
        15      Lichtfest
        16      Bei Der Hagschen
        17      Perpetuum Mobile
GBX     029 LP  THE FOCUS GROOP : STOP-MOTION HAPPENING                 LP+DLc  07.2017
GBX     029 CD  THE FOCUS GROOP : STOP-MOTION HAPPENING                 CD      07.2017

        1.      CineToneOne
        2.      Arpington Main
        3.      The Brand Spanking NOW
        4.      Local Computer
        5.      Rotaty Vision
        6.      Village of Numbers
        7.      Hazy Time
        8.      Refractional
        9.      Stage Craft and Screens
        10.     The Hazy Whom
        11.     The Pseudo Star
        12.     POPPERALL
        13.     Medium in the Mirror
        14.     Sir John Pepper
        15.     Stop Motion Happening
        16.     Other Scene
        17.     Wurlitzer Wheez
        18.     Rendering the Forests
        19.     Kinodrome KOOLAID
        20.     New Toytown Walk
        21.     Pepper's Code
        22.     The Gone Outside
        23.     We Are Becoming Real
        24.     New Town Exit
        25.     CineToneSineOff

Julian House aka The Focus Group twists the kaleidoscope to reveal a fractious mosaic
of some 25 vignette-like parts in just over 37 minutes with Stop-Motion Happening.
GBX     030 LP  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS : THE INVISIBLE WORLD OF...          LP      03.2018
GBX     030 CD  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS : THE INVISIBLE WORLD OF...          CD      03.2018
GBX     030 CS  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS : THE INVISIBLE WORLD OF...          CS      03.2018
GBX     030 DL  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS : THE INVISIBLE WORLD OF...          DL      03.2018

LP      1.      Ghost Dance                                     04:36
        2.      Sybil´s Dream                                   03:28
        3.      Prism                                           04:10
        4.      Half Marble                                     03:55
        5.      Golden Apples of the Sun                        04:03
        6.      Echo Chamber                                    01:16
        7.      Manha Tropical                                  01:10
        8.      Aquarius                                        03:38
        9.      Shelter                                         04:20
        10.     Cabeça-Flor                                     03:31
        11.     Claridade                                       03:28
        12.     Sorceress                                       02:46
        13.     The Masque of the Hidden Garden                 04:03
CD/DL+  14.     May Day Eve                                     03:37
        15.     Trackways                                       01:39

The first full length LP for this collaborative project between Jon Brooks
(The Advisory Circle) and Jim Jupp (Belbury Poly). John Foxx features on vocals
and synth on two tracks, Trees and Forgotten Towns, reprising his appearance on
The Belbury Circle’s debut EP, Empty Avenues in 2013.
Packaging: The lavish packaging on all formats is designed by Julian House with
        artwork that attempts to capture the band’s love of the Czech New-Wave and
        the twilight worlds of WB Yeats. The heavyweight vinyl LP includes a free
        download card.
GBX     031 LP  THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     WAYS OF SEEING                  LP+DLc  05.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
GBX     031 LP  THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     WAYS OF SEEING                  LP+DLc  05.2018
                (Note : LP , featuring gold foil packaging)
GBX     031 CD  THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     WAYS OF SEEING                  CD      05.2018
                (Note : CD , featuring gold foil packaging)

        1.      Ektachrom Logotone 
        2.      Be Seeing You! 
        3.      The April Interval
        4.      Flight Capture
        5.      Time Shapes The Lens 
        6.      Skyways 
        7.      A Mechanical Eye 
        8.      Airborne Seeds 
        9.      High Climber 
        10.     Scuba
        11.     The Soft | Dissolve 
        12.     Tidewatch 
        13.     No Way Back
        14.     New Wave, New Energy
GBX     032 LP  PYE CORNER AUDIO        HOLLOW EARTH                    LP+DLc  02.2019
GBX     032 CD  PYE CORNER AUDIO        HOLLOW EARTH                    CD+DLc  02.2019
GBX     032 BAG PYE CORNER AUDIO        HOLLOW EARTH                    LP+DLc  02.2019
                (Note : LP , exclusive limited edition, heavy black
                canvas bag with two colour screen-print design by Julian
GBX     032 BAG PYE CORNER AUDIO        HOLLOW EARTH                    CD+DLc  02.2019
                (Note : CD , exclusive limited edition, heavy black
                canvas bag with two colour screen-print design by Julian

        1.      Grass Grow
        2.      Junglespell
        3.      Castleshell
        4.      Flux
        5.      Temple IV
        6.      Mirror
        7.      Labyrinth I
        8.      Temple V
        9.      Satya Yuga
        10.     Iridesce

Hollow Earth is the new album from Pye Corner Audio aka Martin Jenkins, his third for
Ghost Box.
                : CHANCTONBURY RINGS
                : CHANCTONBURY RINGS
                : CHANCTONBURY RINGS

        1.      Chanctonbury Rings (Intro)                      02:25
        2.      Dawn                                            03:05
        3.      The Thinnest Place                              02:40
        4.      Changebury                                      00:24
        5.      Slow Air                                        02:10
        6.      On the Downs                                    00:51
        7.      Bonny Breast Knot                               02:55
        8.      Layers                                          02:29
        9.      Breath                                          04:40
        10.     Wanderer                                        04:11
        11.     Winnie's Song                                   02:24
        12.     The Devil & St. Dunstan                         03:11
        13.     Out of Body                                     04:12
        14.     Outside the Ring                                02:10
        15.     Hal-an-Tow                                      01:36
        16.     Chanctonbury Rings (End Title)                  03:47

MP3     17.     Chanctonbury Rings LP, Side 1                   21:38
        18.     Chanctonbury Rings LP, Side 2                   21:26

This interesting release is the result of the spoken word and music project by writer
Justin Hopper and folk musician Sharron Kraus, based on live performances of Hopper's
2017 book 'The Old Weird Albion'. Blending the traditional with the avant-garde,
musically we get a blend of folk, electronic music, poetry, prose and environmental
GBX     034     PLONE                   PUZZLEWOOD                      LP+DLc  04.2020
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
GBX     034     PLONE                   PUZZLEWOOD                      LP+DLc  04.2020
                (Note : LP , 400 copies on orange coloured vinyl)
GBX     034     PLONE                   PUZZLEWOOD                      CD      04.2020
GBX     034     PLONE                   PUZZLEWOOD                      DL      04.2020

        1.      Years and Elements
        2.      Miniature Magic
        3.      Puzzlewood
        4.      Watson’s Telescope
        5.      Build a Small Fire
        6.      Red Kite
        7.      Day Trip
        8.      Just a Shadow
        9.      Sunvale Run
        10.     The Model Village
        11.     Circler
        12.     Chalk Stream
        13.     Sarcelle
        14.     Sweet Factory

Veteran vintage electronic guys Plone are back. Coming up in the mid ‘90s alongside
Broadcast and Pram, they were part of the retro-futuristic scene in Birmingham with
links to Ghost Box co-founder Julian House. Now trimmed to a duo, Billy Bainbridge
and Mike Johnston have used their knowledge of music technology to create Puzzlewood.
It’s an album that takes its cues from library music and children's’ TV, making it
a joyous celebration of analogue synths and melody.
GBX     035 LP  BELBURY POLY            THE GONE AWAY                   LP+DLc  08.2020
GBX     035 CD  BELBURY POLY            THE GONE AWAY                   CD      08.2020

        A1      Root And Branch
        A2      Ffarisees
        A3      The Gone Away
        A4      Fol-De-Rol
        A5      Corner Of The Eye
        B1      Magpie Lane
        B2      Sticks And Stones
        B3      Look Again
        B4      Star Jelly
        B5      Copse
        B6      They Left On A Morning Like This

Ghost Box Records co-founder Jim Jupp releases another studio album under his Belbury
Poly recording moniker. More downbeat and calm than many of his previous efforts,
constructed from beautiful, flowing polyrhythms and vintage electronic instruments,
The Gone Away centres around British fairytales and fantastical folklore.
GBX     036 LP  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS      COAMORAMA                       LP+DLc  01.2021
GBX     036 CD  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS      COAMORAMA                       CD      01.2021
GBX     036 DL  BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS      COAMORAMA                       DL      01.2021

        1.      Dupla Exposicao                                 04:34
        2.      Reverie                                         04:18
        3.      The Sphinx                                      03:35
        4.      Parangolé                                       03:14
        5.      A Garden by the Sea                             04:42
        6.      The Collector                                   04:32
        7.      Cosmorama                                       03:04
        8.      Zodiak Klub                                     03:37
        9.      Vali                                            02:53
        10.     Deep Green                                      03:50
        11.     The Fountain                                    03:16

Artwork by Julian House.
On their fourth studio album ‘Cosmorama’, Portuguese outfit Beautify Junkyards
continue their excursions into Brazilian music-inflected dream pop and psychedelia.
Featuring new member Martinez on vocals and guest spots from Smoke City’s Nina
Miranda and Lake Ruth’s Alison Bryce, it’s a sonically rich and diverse listening
experience that reveals new details with each spin.
GBX     037 LP  V / A:Intermission (Ghostbox Contemporary Connections)  LP      08.2021
                (Note : LP , clear vinyl)
GBX     037 CD  V / A:Intermission (Ghostbox Contemporary Connections)  CD      08.2021

        A1      Justin Hopper & Belbury Poly : Intermission Introduction
        A2      The Advisory Circle     Airflow
        A3      Plone                   Running And Jumping
        A4      Roj                     The Animal Door
        A5      ToiToiToi               Intermodal
        A6      Pye Corner Audio        Modern Reels
        A7      The Focus Group         Focustone 1
        B1      The Focus Group         Focustone 2
        B2      Justin Hopper           Recreation Park
        B3      The Hardy Tree          Woodberry Vale
        B4      Beautify Junkyards      A Garden By The Sea
        B5      Sharron Kraus           Tell Me Why
        B6      Plone                   When Everyone's Asleep
        B7      Belbury Poly : They Left On A Morning Like This
        B8      Justin Hopper & The Focus Group : Intermission Conclusion
GBX     038 LP  TOI TOI TOI             VAGANTEN                        LP      08.2021
GBX     038 CD  TOI TOI TOI             VAGANTEN                        CD      08.2021

        A1      Schlendersilber                                 3:56
        A2      Never A Dull Moment                             2:42
        A3      Whimsical Waltz                                 2:56
        A4      Kuckuckswalzer                                  3:09
        A5      The Inner Hobo                                  1:24
        A6      Tee Muss Tanzen                                 4:06
        A7      Vaganten                                        4:20
        B1      Locus Of Control                                1:55
        B2      Durch Die Glut                                  3:51
        B3      Ley Hunter's Chant                              4:30
        B4      Goliards                                        2:40
        B5      Corpus                                          3:48
        B6      Tandem                                          5:10
        B7      Wrong Place, Good Times                         2:15
GBX     039 LP  PYE CORNER AUDIO        ENTANGLED ROUTES                LP      12.2021
GBX     039 CD  PYE CORNER AUDIO        ENTANGLED ROUTES                CD      12.2021

                New Roots
                The Creeper
                Hive Mind
                The Clearing
                Growth Potential
                The Long Now
                Phantom Orchid
                Leaf Mould
                Buried Network
GBX     040 LP  PNEUMATIC TUBES         A LETTER FROM TREETOPS          LP+DLc  03.2022
GBX     040 CD  PNEUMATIC TUBES         A LETTER FROM TREETOPS          CD      03.2022

        1.      Summer's Children
        2.      Joyous Lake
        3.      TreeTops
        4.      The Big Deep
        5.      Mumbly-Peg
        6.      Slow Fawns
        7.      Camp Sunfrost
        8.      Overlook Mountain House
        9.      Saw Teeth
        10.     Witch Water
        11.     Magic Meadow
        12.     Summer's End

LP      Heavyweight black vinyl with full colour inner sleeve. Artwork designed
        by Julian House.
CD      Artwork designed by Julian House.
GBX     041 LP  LARGE PLANTS            THE CARRIER                     LP      04.2022
GBX     041 CD  LARGE PLANTS            THE CARRIER                     CD      04.2022

        1.      The Carrier
        2.      No Difference
        3.      Don't Let Me Let You Down
        4.      Never Seen
        5.      How Far
        6.      Wreckers
        7.      Hold Onto
        8.      I Lie Awake
        9.      Marceline
        10.     The Witch
GBX 7   01      MOON WIRING CLUB & BELBURY POLY : The Young Paople      7"      07.2010
                BELBURY POLY & MOON WIRING CLUB : Portals & Parellels
GBX 7   02      THE ADVISORY CIRCLE     New Dimensions In               7"      07.2010
                THE ADVISORY CIRCLE & HONG KONG IN THE 60S : Seasons
                TO GODALMING
                Swingalong // Inn Ohm The Lake
                SHAPES AND NOISES
                Inside Out /// The Song Before / Tuesday's Offering
GBX 7   05      HINTERMASS : STUDY SERIES 05 - THE OPEN SONG BOOK       7"      04.2011
                Are You Watching // So It Shall Be
                Le Train Fantome // Cardboard Boxford
GBX 7   07      PYE CORNER AUDIO WITH THE ADVISORY CIRCLE : STUDY       7"      11.2011
                November Sequence // Cloud Control
                - INVERSIONS
                Wildspot // Now Ends The Beginning
                - PROJECTIONS
                Titoli // Town Of Tomorrow Today
                AND METHOD

        A.      Find Me
        B.      Quiet Industry
GBX 7   11      BROOKS AND O'HAGAN      OTHER VOICES 01                 7".DL   08.2014

        A.      Calibair                                        5:03
        B.      Mulcair                                         4:33
GBX 7   12      LISTENING CENTER        OTHER VOICES 02                 7".DL   09.2014

        A       Quotidian Forgotten
        B       Our Material
GBX 7   13      THE PETTERN FORMS       OTHER VOICES 03                 7".DL   02.2015

        1       Fluchtwege                                      4:19
        2       The Sacrifice                                   6:21
GBX 7   14      STEVE MOORE             OTHER VOICES 04                 7".DL   02.2015

        1       The Moon Occults Saturn at Dawn                 4:20
        2       Val Sans Retuor                                 4:20
GBX 7   15      PYE CORNER AUDIO        OTHER VOICES 05                 7".DL   07.2015

        1       Machines are Obsolete                           4:04
        2       Pathways                                        3:39
GBX 7   16      CAVERN OF ANTI-MATTER   OTHER VOICES 06                 7".DL   12.2015

        1       Pulsing River Velvet Phase
        2       Phototones
GBX 7   17      ToiToiToi               OTHER VOICES 07                 7".DL   12.2015

        A       Odin's Jungle
        B       Golden Green
GBX 7   18      BEAUTIFY JUNKYARDS      OTHER VOICES 08                 7".DL   06.2016

        1.      Constant Flux                                   03:49
        2.      Pirâmide                                        03:40
GBX 7   19      BELBURY POLY & MOON WIRING CLUB : OTHER VOICES 09       7".DL   02.2017

        1.      The Music Room                                  03:49
        2.      Moonling                                        04:19
GBX 7   20      SHARRON KRAUS & BELBURY POLY : OTHER VOICES 10          7".DL   09.2018

        1.      Something Out of Nothing                        04:09
        2.      Something Out of Nothing (Belbury Poly Mix)     04:07
GBX 7   21      PAUL WELLER             IN ANOTHER ROOM                 7".DL   01.2020

        A1      In Another Room
        A2      Submerge
        B1      Embarkation
        B2      Rejoice
                (Note : 7" , 1000 copies)

        A       Beautify Junkyards With Belbury Poly : Painting Box
        B       Beautify Junkyards : Ritual In Transfigured Time
GBX 7   23      LARGE PLANTS            LA ISLA BONITA                  7".DL   12.2021
